Leg exercise

Here there are top 6 Leg-Building Exercise


1. Olympic Lifts:Snatch And Power Clean 

              Movements like snatches and power cleans take some serious dedication and technique to master, but they can be unrivaled when you are trying to improve jumping power or squat strength. While the rep ranges aren't usually done in the golden range for hypertrophy, the large amount of muscle mass used and higher intensities may increase testosterone release.
These exercises require absolute concentration on technique and body position. Choose one or the other; this should be your very first exercise of the day. Focus on getting a good triple extension (ankles, knees, and hips), almost as if you were jumping with the bar.

2. Romanian Deadlift

The Romanian Deadlift is probably one of the trickiest exercises you'll ever learn to do, and learning good form is imperative. More often than not, we see this done incorrectly, so keep practicing. You never want to allow your lower back to round.
Do the Romanian deadlift as a transition between your frontal and rear thigh exercises, because the glutes are involved in each. Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps, paying particular attention to good form. Work on keeping a neutral spine and really reaching backward with your hips; too many lifters restrict their range of movement when performing this move. Some people will experience a bit of a hamstring quiver when reaching back as far as possible.

3. Dumbbell Lunge

Like all the movements listed thus far, multijoint lunges require hip and knee extension, which gives you the stimulus for the thighs and glutes. They can be done standing in place, or stepping forward or backward—decide for yourself which subtle variation you prefer. You can also choose between a barbell and dumbbells.For knee health, keep the knees behind an imaginary line that comes up from your toes when stepping forward, and drive the weight back up through your midfoot.
Do 3 sets of 8-20 reps per side, going higher the further back it is in your routine. As you reach muscle failure, jettison the dumbbells, and do a few more reps without them, like you would in a dropset.

4. Leg Press

For those of you hoping leg presses could replace squats in your leg workout, the divide between the two movements can't be overstated. Because the leg press recruits less muscle mass than squats, it simply doesn't generate the same degree of testosterone release. Be careful not to lower the sled too far, though; doing so will lift your glutes up off the butt pad and cause your lower spine to curl. A rounded back puts you at risk for an injury.
After free-weight leg exercises, do 3 sets of 8-12 reps. This exercise is especially safe when combined with intensity-boosting techniques such as rest-pause, dropsets, or forced reps.

5. Bulgarian Split Squat

This one is deceptively difficult, partly because of balance and partly because you're training one side at a time. The Bulgarian Split Squat is essentially a split squat, but your rear leg is elevated, which forces the front leg to pick up more of the workload. Try it on a Smith machine if you find it difficult to balance the weight.
You really can't use much weight on this movement, so push it toward the middle of your leg-training session. Do multiple sets of 8-12 reps per leg, and shoot for close to muscular failure on each set. If you really want to bring up the intensity, try bodyweight Bulgarians with blood flow restriction (BFR).

6. Hack Machine Reverse Squat

Machine exercises don't rank high on our list, because they control the pathway for you, meaning stabilizing muscles take a back seat. In addition, the hormone boost they generate just doesn't compare to their free-weight brethren. That's one reason to do them later in your leg-training session, when your thighs are already fatigued.However, one of the primary benefits of the hack squatis that you can manipulate foot placement. 
It's also easier to spot on machine exercises and use advanced techniques like forced reps and dropsets, because you don't have to worry about collapsing under a weight.
Hack squats are typically done after free-weight exercises and before single-joint leg movements. The sweet spot is probably around 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Really control the tempo on these, and avoid locking out your knees at the top to place some serious tension on those quads!


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