Abs Exercise
Here there are top 6 Ab-Spilitting Execise WHETHER YOU'RE LOST, BROKEN OR LONELY THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE AND IT'S SPELLED G.Y.M Basic rules for Ab friendly diet: Basic Rules For Ab Friendly Diet: Eat smaller healthy meals and snacks 6-to-8 times per day. Focus on a high protein intake. Eat LOTS of vegetables (if you think you already eat a lot, eat more). Never ever miss breakfast or pre- and post-workout meals. Stay away from anything containing sugar. Don't eat carbs in the evening unless you need to reload after a heavy workout. Drink lots of cold water throughout the whole day. Incorporate high-intensity interval training into your cardio regimen. 1. Hanging Leg Raises The Hanging Leg Raises is another great ab exercise. Hanging from a chin-up bar, raise your legs until your legs and torso from a 90-degree angle. I usually do this exercise with a little twist, rotating my legs side to side. More work, g...